Apply for scholarship
1. Purpose of the Ørsted Scholarship
H.C. Ørsted Selskabet wants to advance the interest of children and young people in science and to break down barriers between science and humanities. Just like Hans Christian Ørsted. He sowed the seeds of the world as we know it today. His curiosity, passion and interest in nature encompasses everything we need to create a world that runs entirely on green energy. H.C. Selskabet and energy company Ørsted are keen to work together to support students who wish to travel abroad and, through their studies, emulate Hans Christian Ørsted’s values: curiosity, dedication, and interest in nature.
That’s why we grant the Ørsted Scholarship of DKK 25,000 to four students that meet the criteria for the Ørsted Scholarship. A jury will select the four students from the applications.
2. Selection criteria
- You must be on the last year of your bachelor’s degree or on your master’s component of your study programme.
- You must be enrolled in a science or humanities study programme.
- You must be able to document that the scholarship will be spent on a stay abroad and that the period abroad has either commenced or takes place within two years from the application deadline.
- You must explain the relevance of your course or project to Hans Christian Ørsted’s work by either:
- Converting theory into practical knowledge or
- Supporting Hans Christian Ørsted’s values: curiosity, dedication and interest in nature or
- By being innovative
3. Application format
Please note that you should submit your application in Danish.
You must state why you should be awarded the scholarship and make it clear how you and the purpose of your journey meet the established selection criteria. You’ll be able to explain this in the open questions that wou’ll find in the application formular, where you’ll be asked to explain:
- What study programme are you enrolled in? Hereunder which educational institution and the country?
- Why should you be awarded the grant?
- What is your study’s relationship with Hans Christian Ørsted’s thought values? (curiosity, dedication and interest in nature).
Furthermore you’ll have to attach a photo of you and documentation for your stay abroad.
Recommendations, budget, references etc. is not required.
4. Process
Send your reasoned application, together with documentation to show that you’re enrolled a relevant course under ‘Apply now’.
The deadline for applications is on May 1st 2025.
5. After completing your study period abroad
After completing your stay abroad, you will be asked to make an interview, with the purpose of communicating your stay and sharing your story of what the foreign studies have meant.
In addition, you can be asked to attend next year’s awards ceremony with a presentation about your stay abroad and how you have met the defined criteria.